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Schriftzug im Sand lebe dich leicht

I have been able to recognize the valuable potential

I have discovered how great "fine antennas" can be in a pronounced high sensitivity, after having often felt like a stranger and "not of this world" for so many years. I have always been interested in exploring my own inner life and that of my fellow human beings, in the intensive experience of deep transformation processes and the resulting path to healing.

All this helped and continues to help me to heal a chronic illness that has existed for many years in patient and confident steps.

For many years I worked as an occupational therapist, primarily in outpatient practices, later as a freelancer and most recently in my own occupational therapy and counseling practice with a focus on mental illnesses.

I soon felt the urge to break out of this system; all the guidelines and rules felt far too restrictive for me.

This was followed by handing over the practice, a break in warmer climes, and then a move away from my home in Saxony for the first time. And with my emigration to Lanzarote in July 2023, a completely new phase of my life is now beginning professionally.


I am a very intuitive person and this is reflected in the way I work.

For this reason, I like to work freely and independently of concepts, I like to be inspired by them and adapt them to my style. This allows me to meet you exactly where you are right now. To see you, with all your wishes and needs that want to show themselves right now. My "everything is allowed" approach therefore has enough space and this is where the "flow" begins.


I am convinced that if we trust our hearts and follow our innermost impulses, unexpected doors will open and the path will be clear. But first we have to calm our minds, be brave and jump into the unknown, and that is not so easy


- but POSSIBLE :) !

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