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Blick vom Risco auf den Atlantik und auf Famara in Lanzarote

Frei Raum

     für SoSein

You finally want to feel whole again and

stop suppressing unpleasant feelings?


You want to accept yourself lovingly

instead of fighting against yourself?


You want to trust yourself much more

and follow your inner voice?


You want to become still and present

and find inner stability?


You want to come into your full strength

and show yourself as you really are?



Nice that you're here.







Experience healing, acceptance, coming into your own strength

online and on Lanzarote


free meditative dancing

healing intuitive painting

Healing Inner Child

Love yourself - coaching


Yin Yoga


"I liked you from the start, your calm, sensitive, well-considered manner.
How you gave me time and didn't pressure me, recognizing my own sensitivities
and asked specifically and from there you took all this with you, which was then creative,
or found expression in conversation or meditation.
I've experienced it in such a way that you can really perceive things without judgment, no matter where you're sitting in front of you.

Thank you for all your approaches and suggestions, many things always resonate
still after and pops up every now and then.
All the best!"


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